Archive | Farming Practices


A Kuhn Orchards Customer asks, Are you organic?

The most basic answer is, no, Kuhn Orchards is not certified organic.  However, if you take a moment, we’ll tell you how we are environmentally conscious, use safe agricultural practices and are good stewards of the land. Many times, the term “organic” is mistaken to mean “no spray.”  Organic fruits and vegetables are still sprayed […]

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Apple Economics — 2012 Harvest Season

We have had a number of customers this fall comment that our apples at market are less expensive than the apples in the supermarket.  We would like to explain our apple economics.   The early spring that we have been referencing all season, was devastating to some apple producing regions in the United States.  For instance, […]

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Mother Nature & Cherries

Cherries are a tricky crop to grow and manage.  They are unpredictable almost and certainly in the hands of Mother Nature.  But let’s face it:  no matter how big or small the harvest may be, we still love cherries, and want to harvest them to bring to market. Cherries bloom early in the spring – […]

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