The Monthly Apple Delivery is a newsletter that you need to sign up for to enjoy Kuhn Orchards apples & goods during the winter.
Once a month we will send a notice via email that we will take orders for half bushel boxes of apples, cider, dried apples and jarred goods.
The Monthly Apple Delivery program is completely voluntary.
If it doesn’t suit you one month to order a box of apples, you don’t have to. This newsletter is simply to let you know that we are coming to your neck-of-the-woods, and if you’d like to place an order, you can.
Its a great way to enjoy Kuhn Orchards apples and goods!
Monthly Apple Delivery Dates
December 7 | January 4 | February 1 | March 1 | April 12
But don’t worry…we’ll remind you…Just remember to sign up to receive the Monthly Apple Delivery Newsletter!
Delivery Locations are in
Vienna, VA (8:00am – 10:30am)
Lorton, VA (11:30am – 1:00pm)
Washington, D.C. (10:00am – 12:00pm)
The Monthly Apple Delivery Newsletter is an exclusive newsletter and you must sign up to receive it. Subscribers of the Kuhn Orchards Farmers Market Newsletter will not receive notifications of the Monthly Apple Deliveries.
Sign-up for the Monthly Apple Delivery Newsletter by entering your email address in the text box to the left under “Email Newsletter Sign-Up” and select “Monthly Apple Delivery.”
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