Author Archive | Katy Lesser Clowney


Squash & Pumpkin Season

If the candy aisle at the grocery store can have candy corn and Halloween sweets piled high (since pretty much the beginning of August…).  And if the pumpkin-flavored-everything frenzy has begun.  Then I guess Kuhn Orchards can jump on the bandwagon, but I promise….we’re going to take it slow. The past few markets we’ve been bringing our adorable […]

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Stone Fruit Update

We will have yellow peaches through this weekend and next.  We anticipate having white peaches for a while longer yet too.  Our yellow nectarine supply is getting tight; however, we will have yellow nectarines this weekend, and limited supplies next weekend.   We will have white nectarines this weekend, and hope to have some for […]

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Whatcha Munchin’, Mary Margaret?

Mary Margaret is munchin’ on our Everbearing strawberries. Don’t let these strawberries fool you at market. They are UGLY.  They are tiny and cracked.  Some are knobby and mis-shapen.  They are just not attractive like traditional June strawberries. But MY-OH-MY, are they flavorful!! Dave said, “They are so tasty, they will make you cry!”  (I […]

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How to place a Farmers Market Order

For years, Kuhn Orchards has been willing to take special orders from our customers for produce that they plan to pick up at market.  We have operated on good faith that the customer will show up and pay for the item.  However, we have had many instances where customers have not picked up items that […]

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